Running, Races, and Relaxation.

Ahh, it has been quite a while since I’ve posted anything! I’ve been doing great and have been enjoying every minute of school, even the stressful minutes. I have also been training for the OKC Memorial half marathon, so that has helped keep my stress down a bit. Thank goodness. Most of my days are busy, so I definitely have learned to appreciate down time. I like to reward myself with runs especially after tests.Β IMG_2996

This was from my after lab. I’m pretty darn happy with those numbers. I love that I am getting closer to hitting that 9 min/mile average pace. πŸ™‚ It’s really exciting.

Last night's dinner. Salmon, sweet potato with pb, broccoli topped with Mrs. Dash

Last night’s dinner. Salmon, sweet potato with pb, broccoli topped with Mrs. Dash

Upcoming races: This Sunday, my brother, Adrian, and I will be running the Strides of March 5K in Oklahoma City. I’m really excited to race again. My last race was the Turkey Trot in November so a race is long overdue. I’m excited to see how well my brother does. He’s trying to get a PR under 24 minutes so my fingers are crossed for him.:) Now I just need to convince my other brother to join us.;) I’m hoping to get my 5K time under 29 minutes. My pace has been pretty good so I’m hoping I will have a good day.

My "Believe I Am" Erica Sara designed necklace. I am in LOVE. I wear it all the time. :)

My “Believe I Am” Erica Sara designed necklace. I am in LOVE. I wear it all the time. πŸ™‚

I’ve been enjoying my long runs even more this year because I have done most of them with my oldest brother so he really pushes me which I need.:)

Anyways, the other day in one of my classes, we talked about stress and how to deal with it. It was a really great lecture. It’s tips that I feel like everyone knows, but it never hurts to be reminded.:)

Some of the things we went over were:

Ways To Relax When Stressed:

  • use breathing techniques: focusing on my breaths helps me relax.
  • naps: sometimes I know I feel stressed because I’m so tired. A ” power nap” can help you feel refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of your tasks.
  • visualize yourself somewhere you love: I personally love the beach, so visualizing the beach definitely helps relax me.:)
  • find a hobby you enjoy: I love running, so that is my go to stress reliever, but my roommate loves crafts. Everyone is different, and not everyone will have the same hobby. Yours may even be reading a book, or magazine. Everyone is different.:)
  • stretching: I skimp on stretching a lot more than I would like to admit, but it honestly does help relax you. It can help take your mind off the stressful situation since you are focusing on the stretches.
  • call a family member or friend: I love talking to my mom. It takes me away from my current situation, and she also lets me spill my heart out whenever I need to. Everyone has someone they can talk to. I, too, am here to talk if anyone ever needs someone.:)

I hope these tips are helpful. I know I have tried most and they really help me.

Alrighty, I’m off.

What are your favorite ways to relieve stress/relax?

Any upcoming races?Β 

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  1. Good luck on you race! I know you can get a PR!

  2. I love to read a good book, or take my dogs for a walk!

  3. Great stress tips! I like reading…a quick getaway from your problems and in to someone elses lol

  4. Glad you’re doing well πŸ™‚

  5. olivetorun

     /  March 17, 2013

    Relieve stress?
    Run, kickbox, weight lift, sleep πŸ™‚

  6. Hey girl! Just stumbled across your blog..don’t ask me how! I was randomly perusing your recent posts and saw your Nike gps watch! I am in the market for a watch and can’t decide whether to go Garmin or Nike. How much do you love yours?? Is it pretty user friendly?? Keep up the hard work!! πŸ™‚

    • Hey Sarah! I actually had the same dilemma when I was trying to decide between a Garmin or Nike watch! I LOVE my Nike watch! It’s really user friendly & it keeps track of everything pretty well. I ended up choosing the Nike watch because it already came with the foot chip & I like running on the treadmill so I knew that’s what I wanted. Also, the price. I ended up paying under $200 for the Nike watch & some of the other Garmins I was looking at would cost me way more after I got the foot chip too. I hope this helps! πŸ™‚ If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me!


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